Sandy Creek Nature Center, Inc. is led by a volunteer Board of Directors who believe deeply that our environment is a treasured and irreplaceable resource that can best be preserved through education and sustainable practices. The Board of Directors meets at the Nature Center the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. Email for details.
2022-23 Board of Directors Executive Team
Dan Dolan
Edith Hollander
Vice President
Roger Nielsen
Emily Carr
Past President
Board Members
Emily Carr
Gary Crider
Dan Dolan
Katherine Edison
Chris Enders
Claude Gonzalez
Peter Hawman
Edith Hollander
Sarah LaFemina
Terri Martin-Yates
Roger Nielsen
Mary Lou Neuhauser
Halley Page
Mark Ralston
Peter Sengson
Eugenia Thompson
Bob Thomson
ACC Liaisons
Randy Smith
Facilities Supervisor
Rose West
Nature Division
Kent Kilpatrick
Director, Leisure Services
Mike Hamby
ACC District 10 Commissioner
Ex Officio Members
Bynum Boley
Assistant Professor of Natural Resources, Recreation and Tourism (NRRT)
Warnell School of Forestry
University of Georgia
Are You Interested in Joining
the Board of Directors?
Becoming a member of the SCNC, Inc. Board of Directors is an opportunity to render meaningful and rewarding public service--to the Nature Center, to our community, and to the greater goal of protecting our natural world.
If you are interested in joining us in this important work, please review the SCNC, Inc. Board of Directors brochure and fill out the application form. For questions, please call
762-400-7734 or email