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Science Education Grant


Each year, the Board of Directors of Sandy Creek Nature (SCNC, Inc.) awards grants to three Clarke County School District teachers who are passionate about teaching science and dedicated to challenging and supporting all students. This award seeks to encourage, recognize and promote science education in our community.


Funds may be used for classroom materials, i.e. books, consumables,  and resources for the teacher, or enrichment activities such as field trips. Awardees must provide a short narrative by the end of the school year describing how the funds were used. 


Award recipients are recognized at the Annual Meeting of Sandy Creek Nature Center, Inc., in press releases, and at their school at the beginning of each school year.


The 2019 Science Education Grant will be administered through the Foundation for Excellence in the amounts of $250, $250 and $500. These grants are open to all CCSD teachers.


Founders Award Recipients


Rebecca Glennie

Megan Hardy


2020-not awarded


2019 (pictured at left)

Kelli Bivins

Fredreshia Johnson



Barb Saunders

Victoria Wynne

Kim Whitehead



Peggy Bailey

Claude Gonzalez

Fonda Slongo



 Abby Alexander

 Alicia Coughlan

 Leslie Johnson



  Steven King

  Debbie Mitchell



  Dawn Phillips

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Sandy Creek Nature Center, Inc.

205 Old Commerce Road

Athens, GA 30607

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